Monday, April 30, 2007

Catching up

Congrats to Danielle and Tim as they start their new life together! And a big thank you to Molly and Cammie for watching the kids while we attended the wedding. Lukas and Natalie had fun with their sitters, and it's always interesting to try to find out what "really" happened from Lukas. His comments usually center on what book they read him before bed. Tom and I had a great time catching up with his family...this month some of us will see each other three times, which is a record!

Natalie's swallowing therapy went well today. Sarah, her therapist, said we could go back to feeding her milk and Pediasure, but thickening it to a nectar consistency (since she doesn't aspirate nectars). I gave her a sippy cup of it this afternoon and she did really well. Her therapist is now also putting two strips of two electrodes on her throat, instead of one strip of two electrodes, since Natalie has gotten bigger, so there is more space on her throat to attach electrodes. The two strips is the preferred way, so hopefully that will crank her therapy up a notch. We're still just going to go twice a week.

Please keep Natalie in prayer for Wednesday morning. She will be going under anesthesia for two scopes (larynx and esophagus) and for her eyes to be checked. We always provide the extra info to the anesthesiologist about the special issues related to kids with RTS having anesthesia, and so far Natalie has always come out of it very well, but we would appreciate your prayers for another successful event (this is her third time under anesthesia).

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