Wednesday, April 18, 2007

What the future will be like...

Natalie's swallowing therapist is on vacation, so we're not going to CHOC this week or next for therapy. It's been wonderful to not have to go anywhere (her PT and OT sessions are at home)! I can dream of the easier schedule we'll have once Natalie is done with swallowing therapy.

She's been on-and-off with using the sippy cup, but I think a lot has to do with the proportion of Pediasure to milk I put in it...she likes it sweeter, so the least I can do is about 2 ounces of Pediasure to 6 ounces of milk. Today she also drank juice well for the first time (still not as well as milk). I tried apple cider instead of apple juice...I don't know if it was the slightly different taste, or if today was just the day she is going to finally drink juice.

But the real question is: "Will she drink the barium for her swallow study on April 26?" I know her therapist has tricks (she's overseen a lot of swallow studies), but it sure would be a lot easier if Natalie just drinks it down.

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