Monday, July 16, 2007

Blood pressure, heartrate

I had my monthly OB check up today, and it was the first time I took the kids with me to the appointment. I should have talked to Lukas in advance about what it would be like. He did fine, but he was very interested in the new (to him) doctor's office, different equipment, different people, television in the waiting room, etc.

Natalie was fine, except the appointment wasn't about her, so she had to wait in the stroller, where normally she gets to be the center of attention. I took her out of the stroller in the waiting room, then again in the exam room while I was waiting for the nurse, but when I had to put her back in the stroller for my appointment, she started "talking." The nurse was fine with it, but I know from experience if I don't keep her occupied while she's talking, it can quickly escalate to crying.

Needless to say, my blood pressure was up from the last time (I completely attribute it to having the kids with me). My weight was fine, and the baby's heart rate was a healthy 150. The nurse asked me what I need this month, and I asked for a referral to a chiropractor, since my last two pregnancies I had painful sciatica in my last couple months. She also asked me if I'd felt the baby move, and I got to answer "yes!" I've felt very light pressure on my belly...not exactly a kick, but like the baby is stretching out.

That's it! Going great! Our routine ultrasound is a week from Friday...but no peeking between the legs!

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