Monday, October 29, 2007

Hospital Tour

Tonight we went on a tour of the labor and delivery ward of the hospital where I will deliver our third child. Our first two children were born at a different hospital, so we wanted to become familiar with this hospital and its procedures.

We took Lukas and Natalie along (30 minute tour!) after telling Lukas that it WASN'T TIME FOR OUR BABY TO COME, but we were going to see where the baby would be born. We saw the L&D room and the post-partum room. Then we saw the small nursery, which had a few babies in it that needed a little extra heat (babies needing more than that would go to the NICU). I felt bad for the families who gave birth there, to have our tour and then three more that night walking through the halls, looking at them and their newborns. But it was a great education for Lukas. He saw several newborns through the nursery window and asked, "Is that Mommy's new baby?" Tom had to tell him several times that it wasn't!

Then it was time to leave and Lukas started crying. Why are you crying, Lukas? "Because we haven't gotten our new baby yet!" He thought we were going to go home with a baby...would that it were so easy! :) I finally calmed him down and showed him my belly and said the baby is still inside there and it's not time for it to come out yet, but when it does, he will see and kiss the baby.

Then he wanted to look down the storm drains outside the hospital...typical Lukas!

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