Monday, January 28, 2008

The Swing Series

It's been a while since I took pictures of Natalie on the swing, so here's one from this afternoon.

New items to point out: her new shoes, which she has eventually taken off, but she does leave them on much longer than any other pair. She was crawling around the house with them on for about 30 minutes, which has never happened before. We're going to keep putting them on her and hopefully she will get used to shoes!

The second item is her new sippy cup. We're a Playtex sippy cup family. We love the simple design and the valve is great at keeping the liquid on the inside of the cup. When Natalie started e-stim therapy, it seemed the cup she liked the best was the Avent cup, so we used that for many months. Then I saw that Playtex had a new sippy cup with handles, so we made her switch to that (and we loved not having to clean up so many drips!). But the cup with handles come with a soft spout, and Natalie has now gone through her second set of cups, chewing the spouts until they crack (or it could be from all the times she flings the cup to the floor).

So I got the next stage up of Playtex sippy cup. The spout is the same shape, but it's a hard plastic spout, and it doesn't have handles. I tried to introduce this about two months ago, but she wasn't having anything of it. With the second set of her current cups starting to show wear, today I tried this sippy cup again and she's taking it!

The other benefit is that since she can't hold the cup with one hand (no handles), she can't wing it onto the floor or across the room. So hopefully we'll also be picking up the cup less!

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