Tuesday, January 1, 2008

The vacation is over

Having a newborn is no vacation, but having your husband home for 12 days after having a newborn gives the mom a little bit of a vacation.

This vacation's major highlight was the (almost) daily 1-2 hour nap that I had--with earplugs!--while Tom kept watch over the kids. The kids normally nap or have quiet time during that time (see pic of Lukas with books he lined up during quiet time), but I can't put earplugs in when I'm the only adult home, and I sleep much more soundly when I can wear earplugs. That nap was great to help replenish the 1-2 hours of sleep lost during nighttime feedings. I'm not 100% rested, but I am doing pretty well for having a newborn, thanks to Tom's help.

Before Konrad arrived, Tom and I briefly discussed (15 seconds) that we probably wouldn't get anything done around the house during his time off...he would just help me get adjusted to the baby and keep the house from becoming a dungeon of dirty laundry and unwashed dishes. We actually laughed about it, because Tom took one week off for Lukas' birth, and we had all these plans about home projects he/we would complete while he was home...NONE of them happened. Then he took two weeks off for Natalie's birth, and we again had all these plans for home projects that would get done, and needless to say, nothing happened except us going to the hospital every day to see Natalie in the NICU.

So with this birth, we had NO expectation that anything would get done...we had learned our lesson! And lo, and behold, we actually got some projects done! The stacks of filing from 2007 are now filed away; our old office has (almost) been completely incorporated into our new, downsized office space in our bedroom; Tom recaulked the shower (see pic of him accomplishing this feat with the distraction of two children wanting to help) and did some gardening and pruning and cleaned out the garage...besides keeping the rest of the house livable and playing with the kids and taking pics of them with the hair standing on end.

Thanks, Honey Bear, for a great vacation for me...you are THE BEST husband. Now you get to go on vacation by going back to work tomorrow. :)

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