Wednesday, January 16, 2008

What an exciting day! Part 1

Today started out with construction equipment in front of our house to patch the asphalt. Tom and I hope this patching is in advance of a complete resurfacing of our street. We've seen the work done on other parts of the street and the final product doesn't look terrific, so we're hopeful that it's just the base that being patched and then they'll put a nice clean, cosmetic coat on top.

Anyway, I let Lukas sit on our front step to watch the equipment. Here are a few pictures from the event. Eventually he came inside, announcing, "It's too loud and noisy" when the roller started rolling the asphalt smooth. Then he watched out of the window.

Despite the noise and vibration, both Natalie and Konrad had good morning naps...and with Lukas occupied on the front porch, I actually got a few things done in the kitchen, made several phone calls, and made the place slightly presentable for when Tom's sisters dropped by on their way to see their parents (see next post!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cindy and Tom,

I just want to tell you that I love reading the lastest on your family. It is alwys well written and entertaining. Best I've seen.

Best Regards,
Karen (worked with Tom at Rand McNally)