Thursday, February 14, 2008


Today was Thursday, which means out the door by 7:15 to make Natalie's first therapy appointment at 8 am (we have to allow extra time for traffic with the earlier start time). She usually has 1.5 hours of therapy on Thursday, but we added another 30 minutes to make up for therapy she'll miss next week when we're out of town. Things went better with Lukas and Konrad this Thursday: I planned ahead so we had time at the library before it opened to watch the fountain (Lukas' favorite part of any place is the water feature), and I picked out books "about water" to read to him.

After therapy, we stopped by the optometrist to get Natalie's glasses adjusted, but we had to wait 30 minutes for our turn. Needless to say, we were exhausted by the time we got home.

So instead of a Martha Stewart Valentine's Dinner, I called our local Thai restaurant and picked up take out for dinner. I did take it out of the styrofoam boxes and put it in our own dishes, and we had candles and the flowers Tom bought me and the valentines Lukas had made for us and his siblings.

Here's a shot of the boys after dinner. Natalie was taking her bath during this photo shoot, so she missed out on the antics...this time.

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