Monday, March 17, 2008

Gimme a T!

Have I mentioned that Konrad is teething? No, there are no teeth in sight, but he is definitely teething. Here are his symptoms: drooling, chewing on his fist, cranky at weird times (he was never cranky before this), waking up multiple times at night.

The last one is important because I've come to realize that when he wakes up before 4 or 5 am, it's because he's in pain. This morning he woke up at 12:30, and I actually was coherent enough to think to use Baby Orajel. It settled him right down and he went back to sleep without a feeding. Then he got me up at 4:30, I tried Orajel again, but he wanted to eat, so I fed him. So I think the reason he isn't progressing in his sleeping longer at night is the teething thing. I think this is happening a lot earlier than it did with Lukas (Natalie was a late teether).

I have to keep reminding myself to try Orajel when he wakes early, instead of automatically feeding him, so I continue to encourage him to stretch out at night.

And a couple of people have commented...are we really dressing him in 12-month clothes? Yes! Any shirts, and anything that snaps at the crotch, has to be 12 months. He still wears 9-month pants, but his torso is so long that he needs 12 months for shirts and 1-piece pajamas.

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