Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Houston, We Have a Tooth!

Konrad has cut his first tooth! Last night's relatively good night should have made me suspect it (I've been checking for a tooth every day for the past week), but I only remembered to check his mouth this evening, and there it was, in all it's glistening newness.

He still woke up last night, I think because he's so used to waking up (in pain) at the same time every night. I hope there is enough space between this tooth and the next tooth for him to get into the "I'm five months old and sleeping through the night thing", which has yet to occur on a consistent basis.

BTW, he appears to like grape Tylenol slightly better than cherry Tylenol, but they still haven't made an infant pain reliever that lasts eight hours, which is how long he goes between feedings at night.

1 comment:

Anxious AF said...

Same thing happening here. Alex is working on his 4th, I believe it just broke through today, but it is hard to tell, so if not it is about too.
Im with you on the 8 hour pain relief!!!!!!
i need more sleep.