Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Tuning things out

Isn't it amazing how we can tune sounds out?

I wake immediately when Konrad wakes at night (in his own room), but Tom doesn't. Tom has to ask me in the morning if Konrad woke me up (last night, Konrad woke at 2:20, but I let him talk for 5 minutes and he went back to sleep until I got him up at, he's still not consistently sleeping 8 hours...he often does 6 or 7 real well, but I would LOVE 8 hours without a peep!) I think because I can't focus on Konrad's sleeping and eating schedule, he's not adapting as quickly as Lukas did, when I only had one child to care for. Oh, yeah, we're not home all the time for Konrad's naps, either!

But Tom's alarm clock goes off at 5:45 and I usually don't hear it, but he hears it to turn it off right away (I'm sure if he left it going, I would eventually hear it). Those extra 15 minutes from 5:45 until 6 a.m....those extra 15 minutes before the demands of three small children converge at once...are what I live for!

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