Thursday, June 19, 2008

Playing in the pool

It's finally hot! It doesn't seem like June Gloom lasted very long, because it's been in the 90s for the past several days. Here are some pictures of Lukas and Natalie splashing in the pool today, and Konrad staying cool in the shade.

The first picture of Natalie is right after she blew bubbles in the pool (or took a gulp...not sure which). The next picture of Lukas is right after he doused himself with water from the bucket. Konrad is getting pretty good at sitting for several seconds, but he still spends most of his day on his belly. I remember that Lukas was already sitting by this time because I worked on it with him so much. But now I have a floppy seat for the grocery cart so I'm not worried about helping Konrad to sit. Tom and I think Konrad's overall physical development is more advanced than Lukas was at this age. Konrad is already combat crawling and pushes up on his arms higher than Lukas did and is even getting on his knees a little (Lukas didn't crawl until he was 9 or 10 months old).

It's amazing to see a typical child develop at "light speed" compared to the agonizingly slow motion development of Natalie at this age. I remember how she would reach for a toy, and it would take at least 5 seconds for her to extend her arm, nothing like the lightning-fast grasp of Konrad. But now Natalie's very quick with the grab too!

1 comment:

Heather said...

Looks like fun! I wish we could pull out our pool and slip-n-slide, but we're in a drought so no go. Have a :) day!
