Saturday, November 8, 2008


Tom and I have been "cramming" for Natalie's IEP on Monday. Yesterday we visited two schools (two classrooms each) that she could go to, and today I went to a workshop on IEPs. Tonight and tomorrow we'll be finalizing our lists and documents and pictures and everything, so we can be ready for noon on Monday. Thanks for your prayers that everything goes smoothly and that Natalie gets the services she needs to learn and grow.

Natalie's not quite cramming that cracker in her mouth, but it was the most relevant picture I could get for this post!


Rachel said...

I will keep both of you in my prayers that God would give you wisdom and understanding. Natalie is such a beautiful girl. God bless you all! :)

Anonymous said...

I am thinking of you today.. I know you had your IEP and you will update. Hope it went well.