Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Yes, we're spoiled with California weather. Let me just start by admitting that.

Today was rainy and very windy with a high of 50. We stayed inside and built things with blocks, made cookies (the oven helps warm the house) and watched Finding Nemo. I really wanted the kids to get outside to run off some steam, but the thought of getting 3 kids out of wet clothes when we came in was more than I could bear.

I've lived in much colder climates (I'm often wearing shorts when Tom is wearing a jacket, and I'm sure our immigrant neighbors from Asian countries near the equator think I'm abusing our kids when I don't have them bundled in hats and coats and mittens when it goes below 70 degrees...they have their kids bundled like that!) I know how cold snowy weather can be. But the difference is our house is not insulated, so when there is any weather like we're having now, the house doesn't stay as warm as it would if we were in Wyoming (where I remember a few blizzards in my childhood) with an insulated home.

But we'll survive, and tomorrow is supposed to bring a high of 59. Hopefully the grass will be dried off and it won't be so windy so we can play outside!

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