Monday, December 29, 2008

From the Log of the Executive Officer

Star date December 29. The Captain and crew are exhausted. The children are still alive. The end of the voyage to Extreme Room Makeover is in sight.

Rose and Gary (the talents of the operation) had to go home today, and we're very happy with everything we accomplished while they were here.

But there is a lot left for us to do. The floor is finished, the walls are painted and they built a terrific bookshelf for us, but we have a lot of filling, caulking, sanding and painting of trim to complete. Tom and I hope that by the end of tomorrow (with a babysitter), we will be able to move the furniture back into our living room/dining room. The bookshelf will require a lot of of filling and sanding before we paint it, but that can be done in the evenings after the kids are in bed...over the course of the next several weeks. We also need to buy a new dining room chandelier, curtain rods and a new front door (with our new threshold, our front door is too short...didn't plan on that one!)

We need our space back! The kids are on top of each other in one bedroom (we eat in Konrad's room) and we have no family room to hang out together as a family...just individual bedrooms that are quite small.

But it looks great! We are VERY happy with how everything has come together.

End of report. Must ease exhausted body into bed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good luck.. a lot of work right after the holidays. I am exhausted and I have done nothing on vacation.