Sunday, January 11, 2009

Monster Jam

I took Lukas to his first major motor "sport" event at Anaheim Stadium last night (he has been to a couple Angels games, but not recently...hopefully we will rectify that in 2009). My friend Tim and his son Chandler joined us, and a sold-out crowd, for the noise and excitement.

I am not sure if this sport is one step above or below WWF wrestling, but it satisfies my interests in extreme automotive engineering and horsepower (The smell of methanol is just icing on the cake for me). After the near failure of the air show, I was a little concerned that Lukas would not be interested in the monster trucks. Thankfully I was wrong.

We first examined the trucks in the pits and got pumped for the main event. Lukas liked patting the big tires and trying to figure out how the drivers climb up into the trucks. He also enjoyed climbing inside the rim of one of the trucks. Fortunately several other children had previously cleaned out the grease and the dirt.

We found our seats and were pleased to find out that we had a really good location to watch. The trucks parked right in front of us, and we were slightly elevated from the field and perpendicular to several jumps. We inserted our ear plugs and enjoyed the show. While we watched, Lukas enjoyed his popcorn ($4 for a bag as big as your hand and popped sometime in 2008), redvines ($4), hot dog ($4.50), milk ($2.50) and chocolate shake ($6). In the end our combined concession purchases doubled the cost of the evening.

All good things must come to an end, and we had to leave before the "free style" events were over, which is too bad because we didn't see any trucks run over the large water tank truck right in front of us. Next year!

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