Saturday, April 25, 2009

Hi Doris and Kathrin!

Lukas, Natalie and Konrad are saying hi to Doris and Kathrin from the bedroom these girls will be using in our home very soon. Kathrin is from Switzerland and arrives on Tuesday to stay with us for about five weeks, and Doris is from Austria and will arrive in June to stay about seven weeks. They each want to see California, practice English and live with an American family during the summer. Hopefully Lukas and I will learn a little German (and Tom can brush up on his!) and we'll all have fun doing a few more activities this summer (which should be easier with another adult in our group). Too bad Kathrin and Doris probably won't meet each other!

Today we played "musical beds"...Lukas' bed moved to Konrad's bedroom (which will now be Kathrin and then Doris' bedroom). Konrad's crib moved to where Natalie's crib was, Natalie's crib moved to where Lukas' bed was...and Lukas now sleeps in his inflatible travel bed, in between the two cribs.

We're excited to meet you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow how exciting. Looks like the kids will be able to have slumber parties every night.. Cute..