Monday, October 12, 2009

The Monday Evening Solution

Yes, we're having another baby, due the end of April (no, we're not having four kids at once).  Thank you all for your kind congratulations.  We are very excited and the kids are excited too!

Being pregnant the fourth time makes it seem like old hat in many respects...but of course something had to change to make it interesting.  For the first time, I have morning sickness!  (Why did I just use an exclamation mark like morning sickness is something exciting and wonderful?)  I've never had one day of morning sickness before, and now with this pregnancy I've had four or five days (just starting at 11 weeks, go figure!)

And to answer your other question, we won't keep you and us guessing on the gender until the day of birth like we did with Konrad.  We've actually gone the opposite direction and already used an over-the-counter gender prediction kit (which you can now do at 10 weeks).  But we're not publicizing the result until we have confirmation with ultrasound at 20 weeks (and I'll tell you if the test was correct.) 

We can't wait to meet the newest Happy One!


Rachel said...

Congratulations!!!! How exciting!
God bless you, dear ones. :)

Love in Him,

Anxious AF said...

Max is screaming, Alex needs to go to bed, but I had to comment on this one! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! WOW!!! IM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!

Christine said...

I'm so excited for you Cindy! I had no idea you could get gender prediction kits over the counter??? That's cool.
Actual Ginger helped me with my morning sickness with my last pregnancy, maybe it will help you too.
Congratulations again!

The Peacock Family said...

Yay! Congrats I am so happy, excited (and baby hungry) for you! You are an awesome Mom this baby is lucky to have you.

Kelly said...

Wow...what a super announcement!



Jacqui said...

Congratulations. As someone already commented - the lucky little one is going to be born to one great mother and into one brilliant family.