Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Baby talk

In addition to enjoying Natalie's budding language skills, we're also having fun with Konrad as he learns to speak.  As I've mentioned before, Lukas spoke much better, much earlier than Konrad:  we could tell Lukas how to say a word one time and he had it perfectly right away.

Konrad takes a little longer.

Lately he's been working on "pajamas."  Tonight as I dressed him for bed, he proudly proclaimed, "ja-MA-MAS"!  I corrected him with "pa-JA-mas" and he replied with "pa-MA-MAS".  Then it went back to "ja-MA-MAS" and I decided I liked that word best of all so I started encouraging him to say it that way for Tom. 

Ok, bad mommy.  But it's cute.  I'm also proud that he says, "goggy" for "doggy", which is exactly the word I said when I was a kid.

1 comment:

Nicky said...

Aawwhh...but aren't our babies "personalised" vocabularies always the cutest (yes, I can just see the speechies shaking their heads and sighing "tsk tsk"). For some reason Meghan called Luke "Ba" until she was almost four, a horse was a "worse" (which seems much more difficult)and a tomato a "bomato"...I love Ja-ma-mas...much cuter than the actual word!!!!