Wednesday, March 17, 2010

34 weeks

Yesterday was my 34 week OB appointment.  In the past week I've gotten a few "you're so small" comments.  Usually I just say to myself, "They're being polite" and ignore the comments, especially since I feel like a whale.  Then I got a very adamant "you're so small, you don't look like you're growing" comment two nights ago so I was starting to get a little nervous.  When I was pregnant with Konrad, I actually got a "are you sure you're not carrying twins?" comment, which I have not received this pregnancy.

The baby is moving and kicking well, but I was anxious to have my belly measured to confirm that he is growing well.  At 32 weeks, I measured 31 centimeters; at 34 weeks I measured 34 centimeters, so he's right on target!  The doctor reminded me that I'm tall, so I can hide a lot of baby.  And I've only gained half the weight that I usually gain during an entire pregnancy...fourth time is a charm, I guess!  He checked my records for Konrad's pregnancy and said I was 35 centimeters at 34 weeks then, so this is the time that Konrad's growth really took off.  But he predicted that this baby would not be as big (Konrad was 9 pounds 1 oz at 38 weeks)...maybe only 8 pounds.

So good news all the way around: Cindy's not gaining a lot of weight, but the baby is growing.  His heart rate is good and my blood pressure is good.  I commented, "you won't induce me this time" since my blood pressure is good and the baby isn't huge.  He said, "I could still induce you if you're nice to me."  Scheduled induction is so nice for planning, for babysitting purposes, but I sort of wonder what it would be like to go into REAL labor.  Might or might not happen...I don't think I'll mention it until/unless we get to 38 weeks.

Two weeks until the next check up, then I go weekly.

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