Tuesday, April 27, 2010

40 weeks

We'll just cut to the chase and reveal that I am no further dilated or effaced than last week.  The doctor tried to say I was a little more dilated, so I said, "Is that 1++?"  He said, "No, 1+.  If you were 1++, that would be 2 and you're not 2 cm."

I thought I had understood him to say last week that he would want to induce this week, no matter what, but he's happy with how the baby looks on the non-stress test, and there's plenty of amniotic fluid, and my cervix is not ready to deliver, so no induction this week.  "Unless things change dramatically, then I could induce you" and in my mind if things change dramatically then I don't have to be induced.

And I'm ok with waiting!  I'm not miserable.  I don't have round ligament pain.  My back is in good shape even though I haven't been to a chiropractor in a month.  I haven't had any false alarms that brought my beloved sister-in-law out of her bed to watch the kids...how could I have a false alarm when I haven't had any contractions that are more than "tight"?  I am slightly embarrassed that I've been so certain I would deliver at any moment during the past 3 weeks, and I'm still pregnant...but, hey, a little embarrassment never killed anyone, right?  Tom and I are such planners and schedulers, that that's where it's been the most inconvenient, the not knowing when.

And I've always wondered what it would be like to really go into labor.  You know, the television kind where they're rushing to the hospital and barely getting out of the car and into the hospital before the baby arrives.

On second thought, no thanks!

So the plan is for another non-stress test on Friday, and again on Tuesday before I see him.  So on Tuesday (at 41 weeks plus 2 days) we'll talk about inducing next week.

Of course, that's unless the baby surprises us and decides to come out on his own.  Hint, hint.


Christine said...

Anxiously awaiting the arrival of this little boy! I feel like I can't wait but I don't have much of a choice now do I?

Michelle said...

oh I've been there! Austin was 2 days late and Andrew was 5! Thankfully I went in to labor on my own. ;)Glad you aren't miserable playing the waiting game. I'm a planner as well and it's soo hard to not know when it's going to happen. I was where you are with Andrew. 2cm and not making any progress (at 40 weeks). Five days later he arrived after 5 hours of labor and only 3 of it at the hospital so here's hoping for a quick delivery!

Brandi said...

Ha! A little man with a mind of his own. He's teaching you lessons about life already :)

Anonymous said...

I was thinking about you this morning and wondering. Great you are not too uncomfortable.