Natalie just went pee on the potty! She's been washing her hands a lot the past week (and getting wet, and getting the bathroom wet), so this afternoon I told her she had to sit on the potty before she could wash her hands. Then I decided I needed to go too, and she ended up peeing on the child's potty while I was using the toilet next to her.
We promised her a sticker when she pees in the potty (stickers are her crack), so after she washed her hands, she stood expectantly in front of the sticker storage place and got a nice BIG sticker.
I'm remembering the time, 3 p.m., to try to remember to do it again tomorrow. I know she's ready to learn, but it will take patience and attention that I'm not sure I'll have with a newborn and also a toddler learning to use the potty. This is going to be a crazy house!
wow you are one busy mommy! its great to hear of all the progress your all doing with potty training! before you know it youll just have one in diapers.:)
WOW! That's great that she's using the potty! Well done Natalie! I'm just wondering about the baby news!!! Waiting over here!!!!
I laughed out loud when I read 'stickers are her crack'. Too funny! We seem to have found a slow way to potty train Austin and we'll see if it works. It's working so far...
We have picked a time of day (right before bath) and he has to go before getting in the tub. So far, so good. I asked his teacher to try it at school and make him go right before lunch and so far so good! We'll try this for a long time to make it routine and then add another time...too bad I also have a baby on the way!
Michelle, "stickers are her crack" is a whole 'nuther blog post I haven't delved into.
Thanks for the tips you're using with Austin. That's what I should be doing with Natalie, but our schedule is so different each day that I can't seem to make it happen. But we're usually home right after she comes home from school, so I'm going to try this time and see what happens.
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