Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Sleeping Baby

Even with being schlepped around all the time to his older siblings' activities, Dominik is doing great with eating and sleeping on a schedule.  Yes, I'm amazed but thankful.  Last night he slept almost 7 hours between feedings and this time it was actually during my sleeping time too, so it was quite helpful (unlike the last time).  Tomorrow he turns 7 weeks old, so I'll take that!

He is awake more and more and looks around quite alertly, and now that we have more limited activities for the rest of the month, I hope to get more pictures of him awake. But for now, you can enjoy our sleeping baby...we do!


Brandi said...

Sweet, sleeping baby! BTW thank you so much for the card, your family is gorgeous!

Unknown said...

I love reading all of your posts of your family. Dominik is adorable, as are the rest of your children :)

Karen said...

He is a beautiful baby, just like the rest of the family. God Bless!

Angelica mom to JesusRTS said...

awww he is a very cute sleeping baby!!! he looks so adorable streching:)