Tuesday, December 21, 2010


The glass is half empty:  it's raining (most rain from a single storm in a decade?), it's Christmas break (we should be doing lots of fun stuff!) and we have four-out-of-four kids sick (plus Tom!)

The glass is half full:  we have a warm, dry house, and no school (so no pressure on me to get school done with Lukas), we have lots of indoor fun to do, the kids only have snotty noses and coughs, and I'm healthy.  And there is a Christmas tree to enjoy, and lots of Christmas music.

Yesterday we made the gingerbread house...hopefully we'll put it together today.  I also made some soda cookies that would be great to have child participation in rolling and cutting...but they're sick, and who wants to eat cookies made by sick kids?  I'll save the dough for Thursday or Friday and maybe by then the kids will be well enough to make them.

Today is Natalie's and Konrad's annual check up...I might have the pediatrician look at Dominik too while we're there, since he's pretty congested, poor kid.  Praying for healthy kids by Christmas!

1 comment:

Karen said...

Hope the kids are well soon. It is no fun being sick on Christmas. I'd like to wish you and your family a very merry and blessed Christmas and Happy New Year.