Friday, December 3, 2010

Natalie's EEG - Second Shift

We're back!  We won't have results from the EEG for at least a week or more, but Tom and I are both proud of how well Natalie did.  She was a trooper to sit in bed for almost 24 hours. 

Anyway, Tom already told you everything about the daytime event, so here are the pictures:

Natalie and Jessie checking out the northern view toward Anaheim Stadium:

Natalie changed into pajamas and ready to get hooked up.

These are some of the wires that were attached.  They are attached to her head with a school-glue-like substance, then tape on top.  The glue takes a little effort to get out of the hair after the wires are removed.

Then everything is wrapped in gauze and tape to keep it in place.  Natalie gets a piece of tape so she won't upwrap her head.

Here's the computer capturing all the brain waves, and the video of Natalie's activities.

Cookie in one hand, tape in the other hand...what more could she ask for?  See how her glasses are taped to the side of her head.

Four of the Anaheim Ducks visit Natalie.  She's checking out a gift box they brought.

But the letter games are more fun.

Natalie's talking to Jessie about when they get to leave the hospital.

Natalie's watching Signing Time and signing with Rachel Coleman. She was signing "brown" in the Box of Crayons.
I thought I got the cushy shift, when I saw the cot Tom had ordered for me in the room (see it behind the boys?  it's the nicest bed I've ever slept in while attending Natalie in the hospital) but for a variety of reasons Natalie didn't sleep much, so that means I didn't sleep much.  The boys came into the room with Tom (instead of Natalie and me coming down to the car) so we could show them that being in a hospital is not scary.  I pray that they are never in the hospital, but in the event they are, hopefully they'll remember the room service, videos and toys that kids get to play with.

It was a good visit, if a visit to the hospital can ever be good (ok, no IVs, no sutures and we didn't go home with any new medications, right?)  But Natalie didn't sleep well, I think mostly because she had so much tape to play with since we didn't want her to pull the tape off her head.  She is now going through serious detox. 

But first we went to the optometrist to get her glasses adjusted (since they were stretched out for so long).  Then we came home and played outside for a while, before having a soaking bath to get the glue out of her hair.  I expect Natalie to have a long nap since she didn't have solid sleep last night.  The nurses assured me she did sleep, but I heard her babbling so much while rubbing the tape that I don't think she had more than a few hours in a row at a time.  I know I didn't!

In other news, Dominik readily drank formula from a bottle this morning!  He's never used a bottle and never had straight formula (I just use formula to mix his baby cereal) so this was another testament to his easy-going nature.  But we were both very happy to see each other when the family arrived at the hospital, if you know what I mean!


Anonymous said...

Wow, she really looks like she handled it well. What a trooper. Hugs to all of you.

Michelle said...

I had to laugh at your comment about being happy to see Dominik 'if you know what I mean'. LOL I sure do! We currently offer breastmilk in a bottle once a week to Jack that way if I have to leave him, he'll adjust okay. We didn't get to do this for Andrew because we waited too long and he never once took a bottle! He only wanted his mama!