Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas Day

We were discussing today why so many Americans (including us) open presents on Christmas morning instead of Christmas Eve (like Europeans do...we opened one gift on Christmas Eve since Jordana was with us).  I still like opening in the morning better because the excitement of all the new things can wear off throughout the day, instead of opening all the gifts and then trying to go to bed.

Natalie had a "Cinderella" she is watching the movie with the large doll her aunts gave her, holding the Cinderella she got with a Duplo set.

The boys had a Lego Christmas.  Lukas received Mindstorm and couldn't wait to start building a robot...

...and programming the robot on the computer.  He took a class last month using Mindstorm so he definitely hit the ground running today.

Konrad got a little help from Jordana in building his fire tanker plane.  No shots today of Dominik playing with his Cars Duplo set...we took video and forgot to shoot stills until late in the day (when Dominik was napping).

Natalie solved a few puzzles...anything with princesses is a great motivator!  She is such a good puzzler.

Christmas dinner!

 After dinner we went out and saw Christmas lights.

And just because I didn't get a picture of Dominik all day, I captured one in his bed with the Thomas Train toy Jordana gave him...he loves it!

 It was a very Merry Christmas!  Everyone agreed.

1 comment:

Patty said...

Merry Christmas, Happy Ones!!! I'm glad everyone had such a lovely day. We do family gifts on Christmas Eve, and Santa brings a little something for the next morning. Luckily for us, our church services start at 4, so there is plenty of time for ONE kid to open gifts without getting too worked up before bedtime. :-)