Thursday, October 2, 2008

Copy cat

I mentioned earlier this week that Natalie and Konrad love playing together, and they play together in a way that's similar to how Lukas and Natalie play.

Here's a perfect example. Natalie is laughing and walking back and forth in the hallway, stopping to peek around the corner at Konrad to see what he's doing, Konrad follows Natalie's every move, Konrad gets stuck, Natalie comes to rescue her little brother.

Here's the older sibling version, that Natalie is basing her play above on: Lukas runs in the hallway, screaming "boo!", Natalie follows Lukas' every move, Natalie gets stuck, Lukas comes to rescue his little sister.

I hadn't closely watched the Lukas/Natalie play before (I usually just hear the yelling and giggles in the hallway) I see there's a lot of Natalie getting knocked over. Hmmm...must investigate further.


Kelly said...

I could watch "The Happy Ones" tv show...much more fun than anything else on tv.
I love seeing how Natalie interacts with her brothers. She is a real trooper...I thought a few times she was hurt!

Anonymous said...

Great movie.. Made my day.

Michelle said...

I love how natalie leans agaist the wall. Too cute! She is definately a tough little girl. Austin would be screaming for sure if he fell hard like she did in the video. Tough cookie! Cheers to Lukas for helping her back sweet!