Friday, January 12, 2007

The last person in the world...

Ok, I was probably the last person in the world who hasn't seen the movie E.T., but we just finished watching it, and it was the first time for me...25 years after it's release. Now I am culturally literate.


Oh No Lofts said...

I think I may be able to claim the title. "ET" came out right around the time Daniel was born. Our friends told us how wonderful the movie was and assured us that it was very "mellow". They were certain that it would be fine to bring the baby to the theater. (Yes, I was naive.) As the first few bars of music played, the baby started crying and I stayed in the lobby with him while my husband enjoyed the film. What were we thinking?...Was it good?

D2 said...

And here I thought I'd be the first to point out that you aren't alone.

I have seen many clips from ET over the years and even went to the ET experience at Universal City (or wherever that was).

But I haven't seen the movie, yet.

Cindy said...

Wow, sounds like we could start a fan club, the "Haven't Seen E.T" club...except now I can't join.