Thursday, April 19, 2007

Nipping it in the bud

Today was park day, so Lukas, Hannah and Russell played at a local park while we moms chatted and Natalie swang in the swing. Lukas and Russell got into a wood-chip throwing match, and after several admonitions to Lukas to stop, including a threat to leave the park if he didn't stop, we left the park. Lukas had a fit all the way to the car (I had to carry him), and getting in the car (thankfully, he can't unbuckle himself from his carseat), and driving for a while. But after about five minutes, and me asking him again why we left the park early, and him telling me, "Because I threw wood chips," he calmed down.

As I have related previously, taking privileges away is currently the most effective method of discipline for him (it does seem to change). Since we got home, I've had a meek and respectful child. He even said, "I love you, Mommy," unprompted, while we were having lunch.

I love you too, Lukas.


Anonymous said...

Awesome! I guess he now knows whose responsibility it was that his park day was cut short. Way to follow through, Cindy. Parenting can sure cut into our own social time sometimes. Lukas will be so thankful in years to come to know that his mom loved him more.


Cindy said...

Thanks Cheryl...I was telling Tom that it was a lot easier to do since the park was so close. I don't know if I would have left if we had driven an hour to get there. I guess I might have come up with another way. But hopefully this means it won't happen when we are a long way from home!