Sunday, May 6, 2007

The stream

Natalie woke up with a runny nose this morning, and Lukas' nose is still pretty runny so I stayed home from church with them. Thankfully, no cough or fever, so hopefully this will have a quick recovery, although with Natalie everything takes longer. We sang a few songs from church, then played Go Fish and Uno! This was the first time Lukas has played Uno! and he did ok, although of course he can't hold the cards in his hands at the same time, and is constantly flipping them over...he thinks he should always shuffle his own cards. I don't understand why kids playing cards are bigger than seems like they should be smaller than average so they might begin to be able to hold the cards.

Natalie scooted backwards on her belly some more...she seems close to crawling, especially when you can see in her eyes that she wants to chase Lukas. He runs around, jumping, making her laugh, and they even get into a bit of wrestling, where I have to be very watchful that Lukas doesn't play too rough (without realizing it). He is usually very gentle with her, but he can definitely hurt her unintentionally.

1 comment:

Kim said...

I appreciated your comment on Challies blog. We homeschool for similar reasons....I don't believe it is the only way to educate children, but we do feel it is a better way as opposed to public schools.

You made a great point and I agree!!
