Thursday, October 25, 2007

I just lost 10 days... at my OB appointment.

It all started when I recounted to my doctor about Lukas coming at 38 weeks and Natalie coming at 37 weeks and my water breaking both times but I didn't go into labor (not much dilation and not enough contractions to deliver) so I had to have pitocin and was there anything I could do so this didn't happen again?

He said there wasn't anything I could do: I could be on bedrest for the last four weeks and still have it happen again, or I could go a week over. Then he mentioned that my due date was already 10 days earlier than first thought. WHAT!?!?! I never heard this!

He said that my ultrasound at 20 weeks showed a baby developed at 21 weeks and a few days...basically my due date would now be December 6, but 10 days is within the norm, so he's not changing the due date on my paperwork.

Ok! So I asked for the "40-weeks" pill and he tells me I'm already down 10 days. OF COURSE, the baby could still come mid-December or later, but based on my past experience, we really have to be ready for this baby to arrive in November.

But I'm still measuring (abdomen) 32 cm, which is 32 weeks (I'm 33 weeks tomorrow).

Another thing to pray about: my blood pressure was high today: 140/80. This could have been because:
1. My blood pressure is high all the time
2. The receptionist is still asking me to make calls to the insurance company (am I doing her job for her?) for the new insurance we have
3. Natalie and Lukas were not making the appointment easy for me

I had pregnancy-induced hypertension when I was pregnant with Lukas, so I am sensitive to this. Fortunately, no protein in urine, so I'm ok on that count so far (no pre-eclampsia). I need to avoid salt and maybe leave the kids the next time. AND get the insurance thing sorted out beforehand so I can have a calm visit and hopefully a normal blood pressure reading.

Really, I'm ok! I actually feel relieved that he didn't tell me I have to stop carrying I could do that! He seemed very unconcerned about the baby coming early, so I'm going to chill out.

It's time for a nap.

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