Thursday, October 18, 2007

Socked in...

...with sick kids. They both slept well last night: I only got up twice, and now I can't remember even which kid it was for!

After Natalie's therapy at home this morning, we piled into the car for a trip to the chiropractor because my sciatica was in full force this morning (I get that at the end of my pregnancies). Then when we came back, Natalie had a nap before lunch from which she had to be awakened. I was concerned she wouldn't sleep after lunch and then I wouldn't get a nap, and then I remembered that I still need to test Benadryl on her to make sure it makes her drowsy before we go back to the glaucoma I gave her a dose of that before lunch. She's still asleep! She needs the sleep and now I know that Benadryl makes her drowsy (for a few kids, it makes them bounce off the walls).

Anyway, the kids both have runny noses, but no fever. Lukas has started his typical cough-while-asleep, which is probably due to post-nasal drip, but he's not coughing much during the day. So far, it seems to be a mild cold, so hopefully they'll be healthy soon, and Tom and I will not get it!

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