Monday, November 26, 2007

Monday morning baby update

We made it through Thanksgiving and our anniversary!

Today at my OB visit, the doctor said I'm measuring right at 37 weeks and he predicts a boy based on the heart rate. So Lukas is certain it's a girl (and more of the predictions on the baby pool are for a girl) and the doctor thinks it's a boy.

I also found out from the doctor when he works at night, so Tom and I might have me walking a lot before his weekend shift, which is not this coming weekend, but the following weekend...IF we make it that long! Lukas and Natalie were delivered by doctors I didn't know (my OB wasn't on call when they arrived), so it would be nice to have this one delivered by someone I've met before!

The baby is still rolling around and kicking me, but moving slightly less than last week (starting to run out of room). I haven't had any "is this it?" contractions in a week and a half, and I've been feeling pretty good.

Now if I could just sleep the whole night through!


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