Saturday, November 3, 2007

Movie and popcorn

Lukas has been begging me to make popcorn...he smells it when we go to Target. I always promise then forget when we get home. Yesterday he reminded me at home so we made a very small amount (in a pan on the stove) before Tom came home from work.

At dinner I suggested we pull out the video tape of Lukas' birth so he could see that he was once a little baby like our new #3 baby will be. Immediately, he said, "And we can have popcorn too!"

So I made a larger batch this time (Natalie likes it too, but we're very careful to watch how she handles it) and Tom pulled the video tape out of the fire safe, rewound it to the beginning and we sat and munched popcorn.

We had purchased the video camera a few months before Lukas was born, so there were long clips of Tom being impressed with the zoom on the camera as we visited Joshua Tree and Palm Springs, then went to Thanksgiving at Rose and Gary's, before we arrived on the special birth day.

Of course, our birth video is G-rated...first I'm hooked up to monitors, then suddenly I'm holding Lukas seconds after he is born. Wow, I had forgotten what a new, new, new, newborn looks like. I think it helped that we're calling this baby Lukas on the tape, so he can understand that that purple, juicy baby is really him.

Then there are nice pictures of Grandma and Grandpa visiting us at the hospital and Tom holding Lukas at home in his bedroom and his first bath in the baby bathtub.

Hopefully all these little things, and the talking about the baby in my belly, will make it easier for him to understand when the new one comes home. With Natalie, I just ask her where Mommy's baby is, and she pats my belly (she'll probably do this even after the baby is born!)

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