Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Birthday girl

Happy Birthday Natalie! We're so proud of how far you've come and thankful for how much you've taught us.

Daddy, Mommy and Lukas

This morning, age two

First birthday party, age one

One week old


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Natalie! You're such a big girl now! I miss seeing you every week, but am glad you're looking as happy as ever. I hope you had a great day. Love, Sarah (from CHOC)

Cindy said...

Hi Sarah, We miss you too! Natalie gets excited when we park in that parking lot, and Lukas always asks why we don't see you anymore. I know you'd be proud of how well Natalie's eating: she had pizza and grapes for her birthday. I'll let you know when we schedule the next swallow study in the spring/summer.