Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Four-day check up

Konrad had his four-day check up today, too! So I took him to see the nurse while Lukas and Natalie stayed home with Tom. I love the lack of distraction that taking only one child provides!

Tom and I were concerned that Konrad might have newborn jaundice. The nurse used an instrument that she presses on his forehead to measure the level of billirubin, and it was only 5.9 (Lukas was admitted to the NICU in his first week of life with a billirubin level of 18). So Konrad has a little jaundice, but it's not a dangerous level. This is a huge relief to Tom and me, that we don't have to take him back to the hospital and do the shuttling thing that we've done with the other kids. Praise God!

Konrad was 9 pounds, 1 ounce when he was born. When we left the hospital, he was 8 pounds, 10 ounces. Today he was also 8 pounds, 10 ounces, so that's good...it appears he never lost 10% of his birth weight (which would have put him at 8 pounds, 2 ounces). So hopefully now we're only moving forward. He's eating well and pooping and peeing well, so we're expecting good growth. What a difference from this time two years ago, when we agonized over every ounce that Natalie grew!

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