Monday, December 3, 2007

Monday morning baby update II

Since we made it through Natalie's birthday party on Saturday, I have been much more calm about when the baby comes...whenever he/she comes is fine! Tom and I were both certain he/she would arrive early when I started having contractions 3-4 weeks ago, but that all stopped, so who knows when the baby will arrive?

I have now been pregnant longer with this baby than with either of my other two children: I think Lukas was born the equivalent of yesterday in gestational age compared to this baby.

So when I saw my OB this morning and he asked, "What's new?" I had nothing to say! Nothing is new. I'm still here, "I can see that, " he replied. The baby is still moving around, but not as much as before (not as much space). My blood pressure is up very slightly (140/84 today) so he wants to do non-stress tests twice a week to make sure the baby is ok. That's where they attach a belt around my waist and record the baby's heart rate and movement on a piece of paper--it looks like a seismograph. My OB did it when I was pregnant with Lukas because my blood pressure was even higher.

Today I am dilated 1 cm, 50% effaced and the baby is in -3 position (for those who understand and care). This is similar to where I was 2-12 hours after my water broke with the first two kids, and I had to be induced to get things going with both of them, so to me this means it could still be quite a while--or it could be today if my water breaks.

But the best thing about these recent few days is that I'm mentally feeling better about the pregnancy and impending labor because I've made it past 38 weeks...the baby is fully developed and is now just packing on the pounds. Tom thinks that's a good reason to start walking a lot, which I will probably do this week. Today I have not "taken it easy" with housework as I've been doing the past couple weeks. But if the baby is a pound more than my previous kids, I'm not worried...I just care about the head size! :)

Thanks to ALL of you for your prayers for us that the baby would not come early...I know God answered you.

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