Saturday, January 5, 2008

More peas, please!

Christina, Natalie's OT, has been working with Natalie on self-feeding with a spoon and fork. I have to admit that Tom and I don't give her enough opportunities to feed herself because it's easier and less messy to just feed her ourselves. But today, Tom and Lukas were helping with a work party at church and Konrad was sleeping, so I took the time with Natalie during lunch to have her practice. Usually when I am relaxed about it, she does better, and I am encouraged to make more opportunities for her to feed herself. Then I try it when I'm in a hurry or I have the demands of three kids to juggle, and she's not as successful.

Today was perfect. She speared some pieces of chicken with her fork, then I gave her a bowl of peas. Christina had tried peas with her a couple weeks ago and Natalie didn't get a single pea in her mouth. Today she did great! Several scoops of peas went into her mouth without spilling a single one (this picture shows at least one pea going in her mouth...the first few bites she got 6-8 peas in at once...then I got the camera)...of course, there were also many scoops that were completely dumped on the highchair tray. When Natalie does well, she waves her arms and legs in excitement, which is not conducive to getting peas in her mouth. So we have to work on enough excitement to be motivated to use a utensil, while not being TOO excited that the peas go everywhere.

Go Natalie!

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