Friday, February 22, 2008

Lukas' Fourth Birthday Party

We had planned to have a kid's birthday party with some of Lukas' friends today, but it's been postponed due to the outbreak of the plague, I mean the flu, at our house. Instead, we had a smaller version of what we'd planned. Lukas played with Play-Doh with Tom (we broke out some of the new Play-Doh we'd bought for the party, but there is still lots saved for the "real" party).

I made Lukas' favorite lunch, mushroom soup and grilled cheese sandwiches. I also made a Wacky Cake for his birthday cake (no eggs, so I didn't have to run to the store). The only birthday candles I had were a "0", and "8" and a baby Big Bird candle. So I thought "half of eight is four, so I'll cut the 8 candle in half." That's how your mind works when you're sick as a dog and you really don't want to leave the house and your son is of an age when he really knows it's his birthday and hopes it will be halfway decent since the "real" party had to be postponed. Thankfully, Lukas accepted my explanation of "half of eight is four". Hey, he got to blow out the candle!

Then Lukas opened his presents: a fun letters activity book from Grandma and Grandpa, two sets of real drum sticks and a bike. The wisdom of the drum sticks remains to be seen (Lukas was convinced we also got him a drum set, but no, we just got him the drum sticks). And the bike is too small, so we need to get a larger one for him, but hey, he liked it. I knew he would like the drum sticks best of all (he's been asking for a drum set for several months).

Thank you for your prayers for my sanity as I live with a four year old with real drum sticks.

I thought this would be an easy party, but it ended up exhausting both of Tom and me more than I thought it would.

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