Sunday, March 2, 2008

Three generations

There are three generations in this picture...can you spot them? There's Grandpa in the first generation, and Lukas and Konrad in the third generation...but where's the second generation? That's Tom as a teenager swimming in a river in the painting behind Grandpa. Tom's mom is quite an accomplished painter and has painted much of the artwork in their home (mostly flowers, but also family members). Next time I'll work on getting three generations in one picture, with real people!

We visited Tom's parents Saturday night for dinner. When we arrived, Grandpa had the good cartoons know, Tom and Jerry and other REAL cartoons. Lukas was captivated, but also scared by some of the themes (things fall on characters' heads really got to him). Here's he's sitting on Grandma's lap watching cartoons. She is doing SO much better...thank you for your prayers for her broken leg. It is healing well and she has the go ahead to put weight on it now.

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