Sunday, September 21, 2008

Apple picking

As previously mentioned, on the way home from camping this weekend, we stopped by the apple orchards near Yucaipa to pick apples with friends from church. Thanks to Carla for planning such a fun event!

Lukas had picked apples two years ago, when Natalie was just an infant (Tom came along, too, on that outing), and has spoken of it for the past two years, "When are we going apple picking again?" Tom held the bag and Lukas picked a few apples he could reach, then asked Tom to help him reach the higher ones. Konrad didn't know what was going on, but everyone smiled at him, so he smiled back.

Natalie went from eating a whole apple in the stroller to wandering around the orchard. She showed a lot more interest in eating a whole apple than she does in the apple slivers I give her! Of course, the apple fell, picking up MORE dirt, but, hey, this had been an eating-dirt-filled weekend, so why not more!

We had a fun lunch with friends, then Lukas learned how they made rope. This picture shows the woman burning off the hairs of the rope with an oil lamp.


Kerri H said...

My how Natalie has grown up!! It was a great weekend for the Apple Orchards...we were at one yesterday also in Nebr City. Logan just loved the apple slushies!! we also had to buy cider as well!

Kelly said...

What a fun way to celebrate fall!