Monday, September 22, 2008

A first time for everything

I haven't mentioned that the day we left for our camping trip, Tom took Lukas to the pediatrician (while I took Natalie to her morning therapy session) because of Lukas' persistent cough. He saw a pediatrician we know and trust, but not our regular pediatrician (who was off that day). The doctor took one look up Lukas' nose and told Tom that he had a serious allergy issue, and the coughing was likely related to allergies.

Tom asked if it was asthma, and the doctor wasn't ready to give a firm diagnosis, but he gave samples of medicine to try, and directions on giving nebulizer treatments. So Tom decided that if we bought an inverter, we could give the nebulizer treatments in the car, and we could still go camping...after all, it's not a cold!

The medicine, both oral and inhaled, made a huge difference in Lukas' cough during the trip. He still had a few coughing fits, but it was A LOT better than it's been in over a month.

Today I took Lukas back to see our regular pediatrician and discuss what "the plan" should be: how long on these meds, do we take him off ourselves, do we go see the allergist and discuss asthma, what!?! She agreed with everything the other doctor had said/prescribed, but added that she thought he should also have an antibiotic because of probable sinus infection. I had told Tom on our camping trip that I thought the meds Lukas was on should have knocked out everything that was going on with him, yet he was still having a runny nose and I suspected there was something else going on. Hearing it from the pediatrician made a lot of sense to me.

Then she asked if I'd like flu shots for the kids today. Whoo hoo! Save a trip to the doctor, yes! So Lukas and Natalie got their flu shots (Konrad had his first one (of two) 2 weeks ago at his well visit...he has to wait another 2 weeks to get the second one).

Lukas went first, and he said he wanted to cry. I joked with him that it was just "a fake shot" and he laughed at me. He told the nurse that it was just a fake shot, and laughed again, then told the nurse he wanted to cry, who told him that was ok. So I suggested that he could wait until AFTER the shot to cry, if it really hurt. (Lukas is BIG on anticipatory crying).

Lukas didn't cry! My big boy is grown up enough to not cry for a shot! There is definitely a first time for everything, and hopefully the trend continues (I have to remind myself that I can't take it for granted that he will be in the same mood next time!)


Kelly said...

Well aren't you troopers..getting an inverter and heading of the the woods!!
Kelly W.

Anonymous said...

What a brave boy you are Lukas.. Way to go.