Wednesday, November 12, 2008

So don't shoot me

I've told you how Konrad has been drinking from Natalie's sippy cup a lot. This evening he continued to cry after I took her cup away from him. It was time for his evening feeding, so I offered him the milk "that only mom can give". I was only 10% offended when he rejected it and continued to cry for a cup.

So I got him his own sippy cup, with 2% milk in it. He's not yet 12 months old, so don't shoot me...hey, I've been giving him cows milk in his baby cereal for several months and he's been fine.

Tomorrow I'll go to the store and get whole milk for Konrad. You know how I'll love having two different kinds of milk in the fridge for the next year (voice heavily laced with sarcasm here). On the bright side, Natalie and Konrad are still wearing the same size diapers (size 4).

I see weaning in the VERY NEAR FUTURE!

This week!

1 comment:

Imse said...

Hi Cindy!
Thank you for praying for us!
I really wish I could take a vaccation in sunny California, but I guess it just will be a dream;)
I love winter in Norway, but we just don`t like to have the flu...

Have a nice day!