Thursday, December 25, 2008

It was a Very Merry Christmas

Two weeks ago, Lukas said, "I CAN'T wait two weeks for Christmas, Mom!" We had interesting discussions in the next two weeks, about how we could have Christmas THAT DAY, instead of waiting, since Lukas could not wait. And what we're really celebrating on Christmas...Jesus' birth, not a second birthday for Lukas!

Christmas finally came (it always does!) and Lukas was quite excited. Natalie was also excited, but I think next year she might "get it" more than she does this year. It was fun for all of us that my sister Rose, and her husband Gary, came down to celebrate Christmas with us, and to also help with the extreme room makeover. This was supposed to start the day after Christmas, but they came a day early, so we actually started the day before Christmas.

But back to the gifts. Natalie got to open the first gift, which she is sitting in and inviting Konrad to join her, but he's staring at the yule log on TV (yes, that is a scab on her nose...she fell again). Lukas was quite happy with his presents, one of which was the game of checkers.

Then we went over to Tom's parents for lunch. Tom's mom, you may remember, broke her hip more than a month ago, and finally came home on Monday. We were so happy, but of course she was the happiest of all. She is stronger than before she fell, and if she'll keep doing her exercises (Mom, this is for you!) she will be completely recovered in no time and better than ever. Lukas had fun playing with Konrad's MegaBlocks, and Konrad preferred playing with Lukas' Duplos. Go figure!

After lunch, we came home for naps, read a few books, and relaxed. Then dinner, putting the kids to bed, and (shhhh, don't tell) starting again on the extreme room makeover. Hopefully this is the last Christmas that is surrounded by a home improvement project!

We pray that your Christmas was as meaningful as ours and that we all focus more on the Savior who makes it all possible.


Christine said...

So glad you had a beautiful Christmas. Looks like you guys had quite the day. My favorite picture is the one of you with the kids reading, Natalie looks like she's right into it.
Thanks for sharing and wow what a project you've taken on, can't wait to see the end result.

Tarah Peacock said...

So glad you had a great christmas. It looks like your kids had a great time as well. Can't wait to see more pictures of the new living room.