Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Your challenge

Here's your challenge for today, to walk a mile in Cindy's shoes on this fine December day:

Pick up a child. Any child will do, as long as he/she is 2 years or less.

Put the child on your hip (I hold my kids on my left hip so I can do stuff with my right hand while I'm holding one).

Stop and change your shirt.


Because at this point, if you are holding a child under 2 in the winter season, you immediately have snot on your shoulder from the kid wiping their nose on your shirt.

This is my day...this has been my day for the past week, since the kids got colds and are on the mend, still with runny noses. Konrad is the guilty party...Natalie and Lukas have learned that polite society does not wipe noses on other people's clothing. They are still working on learning that polite society does not wipe noses on their own clothing, though.

I love my kids, snot and all!


Anonymous said...

I know all about the snotty noses right now.. Hope everyone feels better soon. Sorry I can't be of any help in the adenoid surgery department but I wish Natalie the best always.

Anxious AF said...

Hmmmm? I rock my snotty shoulder, put some earings on, try to make it look good....Or Im just lazy.