Monday, January 19, 2009


Susan gave me some GREAT puppets three or four years ago, when Lukas was much too young to use them appropriately. I stored them at the back of a closet and forgot about them until Tom unearthed them and I realized we were missing a perfect opportunity for both Lukas and Natalie to enjoy them.

The first time we did puppets after Tom went to work one day, and used a sheet between two chairs for the puppet curtain. Then that night the kids put on a show for Tom, and the next night, Susan and Bob came for dinner so it was a great opportunity to show (and thank) them for the great gift (and Bob got into the puppeteering, much to Natalie's delight). I also remembered the terrific puppet curtain that Susan also gave me (and I remembered where it was stored) so we could use the whole set together.

Lukas has no problem coming up with scenes for his puppets to act out: usually the scenes involve building something, as in "The bee and the lion build a car." I encouraged Natalie to make the sound of the puppet she was holding...hopefully it will be another way to encourage speech. If nothing else, it's a ton of fun!


Anxious AF said...

What fun! Did Natalie get a haircut? She looks so big!

Cindy said...

Natalie got her hair cut about 2 weeks ago...but it's nicely combed in this picture!

Myssie@PendletonMarket said...

That looks like fun!! Lukas is a hoot!

Rachel said...

That is such fun, playing puppets. We got Elizabeth a puppet from Lighthouse for her birthday and she likes it. It is a girl puppet and it is, I think, as tall as she is!