Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentine's Day

Since Valentine's Day is on Saturday this year, I decided our celebration would be at breakfast! We had heart-shaped pancakes, strawberries, blueberries, blackberries and whipped cream; sausage, scrambled eggs and orange juice.

Lukas is still not eating as much as he normally does, coming off this flu, but he loved the hear-shaped pancakes. Natalie really loved the whipped cream, just as she loves sour cream. Konrad could eat scrambled eggs all day long, so I have to give him pancakes before he sees the eggs. Konrad has also discovered that he loves blackberries (having been born in Oregon, I'll take credit for passing on that gene). The berries were all on a screaming sale at the grocery store: the blueberries and blackberries were from Chile, and the strawberries are locally grown.

We hope your Valentine's Day was fun too!


Myssie@PendletonMarket said...

Can you come and make me breakfast tomorrow? Your breakfast looks fantastic!!

Kelly said...

Yum...inspired me to do a big breakfast this morning!

Kelly W.