Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Natalie likes to mimic people.  Here she is mimicking someone...probably me.  Tom will have to weigh in on whether this is how I talk. Yes, Natalie knows all her numbers (her teacher says she can count to 25), and she knows they are numbers, but for some reason she got stuck on calling them letters here. And she gave the answer to my question, "zero", right after my batteries died.


Brandi said...

Natalie, you are such a smart little girl! I have had kindergarteners that can't do what you just did! You amaze me with how far you have come in such a short time.

What I like best is that you know you have done a good job every time you put a number into the right place. Your response of "Yes, that's # 8!" shows me that you are really excited about what you are doing!

Keep up the good work sweet girl!

Angelica mom to JesusRTS said...

amazing so cute! i love her cute voice!