Thursday, April 1, 2010

Sick day

I'm thankful that our baby wasn't born last night because Natalie awoke with a fever of 102.7 this morning.  She had a little vomit in her bed so after changing her sheets and giving her some Tylenol, I tried to get her to take a bath.  It's a testimony to how poorly she's feeling that she didn't want a bath!  But once I got her in, she was happy to play for a while in the water.  She's feeling much better, but she didn't eat or drink anything for several hours more, so I'm glad her temperature is coming down with just Tylenol (I don't want to give her Motrin on an empty stomach).

So no therapy, no school today!  It's another stay-at-home day, this time curled up with two little snuggle monsters and DVDs.  Natalie chose Little Mermaid first and ran and got her Ariel doll (she likes to watch Toy Story 2 with her Jessie doll and Jungle Book with her book of the same name).  I think I got this DVD before I had kids or for free or something, and we don't watch it very often because it requires a lot of fast-forwarding through the scary parts (but then the movie only lasts 40 minutes!)  I think she has mermaids on the mind.  Konrad is doing great at letting Natalie choose the movies since she's the one who is sick.  Next we watched Lady and the Tramp, which doesn't need any fast-forwarding, and then I let Konrad pick one, so his choice was Cars.

Natalie ate a few saltines for a snack and then a little bit of her sandwich for lunch, but the great news is that she finally drank a lot at lunch.  I hope tonight goes better!

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