Wednesday, April 7, 2010


We had a great time playing with one of Natalie's RTS sisters, Julia, today.  Of course Julia came with her mom, Catherine, and sisters, Alexa and Keira, too.  I was worried when the day started out with hot, dry, Santa Ana winds, but after lunch it calmed down and it was just hot and dry but at least not windy.  We played outside for about an hour, then came inside for snacks and to cool off and play some more.  What a fun playdate!  It's great when our schedules align (Julia is on spring break this week and Natalie doesn't have school on Wednesdays) so we can get together.

Julia is exactly three years older than Natalie, and Catherine often comments that Natalie's development reminds her a lot of Julia, so sometimes I feel we get a peek at what Natalie might be doing in three years.

Julia brought an Elmo doll and Natalie showed off her Ariel doll, which Julia liked.

Julia is great at kicking a soccer ball!

Natalie, Alexa, Julia, Keira and Lukas (Konrad woke from his nap later).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So fun.. Wish there were someone close to me. So special they get to get together.